Deep gluteal syndrome
Fat wallet syndrome
Hip lateral rotator tendinitis
Hip lateral rotator tendinosis
Sciatic nerve impingement with (out) inflammation
Wallet sciatica
4E: Impaired Joint Mobility, Motor Function, Muscle Performance, and ROM Associated with Localized Inflammation
A 27-year-old woman presenting with complaints of left ischial/hip pain with sciatic radiation of the pain. She reports that the pain has been present for approximately 5 months with onset following a 13-mile run in older running shoes. Since the onset of symptoms, the ischial/hip pain has not decreased in intensity. The sciatic pain radiation has also not improved, however has not progressed or moved further distally.
Since the onset of symptoms she has had extensive medical workup, including an MRI and CT scan that were both negative for lumbar radiculopathy. Her primary complaints of pain are with sitting (especially while driving) or prolonged standing. There is relief of symptoms when lying down. She has modified but continued her daily workouts including 30 minutes on the stair master and runs of 6 miles or less, despite her persistent pain. She admits poor or absent stretching habits and frequently returns to her sedentary work routine immediately following exercise. Observation of lower extremity alignment reveals excessive femoral external rotation, lateral tibial torsion, and excessive pronation of both feet. There is tenderness in the left buttock region between the sacrum and the greater trochanter. Active range of motion (AROM) is within normal limits (WNL) for the lumbar spine. Hip AROM is limited in internal rotation.
Neuropathic pain from compression of the sciatic nerve as it courses through the piriformis muscle or myofascial pain from a tight, hypertrophic, and tender piriformis without nerve entrapment
Major muscles at the posterior hip function together based on how much the hip is flexed
Obturator internus
Quadratus femoris
These muscles are usually involved whenever there is low back pain or a lower extremity problem that requires compensation of motion
The sciatic nerve may even pass through the piriformis (17% of an assumed normal population)