4E: Impaired Joint Mobility, Motor Function, Muscle Performance, and Range of Motion Associated with Localized Inflammation
The patient is a 30-year-old man who presents with anterior rib pain. The patient states that his 3-year-old daughter jumped up and landed on his chest while he was lying on his back on the floor. He had pain along the anterior rib cage. The patient had a positive sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein test for inflammation. There is localized pain with palpation of the upper ribs at the rib cartilage. The patient said when he coughs or sneezes the pain increases.
Described in 1921 by Alexander Tietze, a German surgeon
Benign nonsuppurative inflammation of the costal cartilage
Essentials of Diagnosis
General Considerations
Inflammation, tenderness, and swelling
Need to rule out a heart attack until proven otherwise, as symptoms very similar and can cause anxiety attacks, hyperventilation
Tenderness and swelling along costal cartilage along the sternum (breast bone)
Acute chest pain, anterior-upper
Pain radiating into the shoulder and arm
Pain increased with respiration (deep inspiration), coughing, sneezing
Functional Implications
Breathing limitations, hyperventilation
Pain with sleeping and lying on the ribs
Inability to carry bags of groceries by one’s side
Inability to turn the steering wheel in a car
Inability to carry heavy items
Inability to dig in the garden
Possible Contributing Causes
Excessive laughing
Impact from airbag/steering wheel in a car accident
Injury to chest and breast tissue
Physical strain
Psychological stress
Radiation to the chest region
Repetitive coughing