Shoulder dislocation
Humerus dislocation
831 Dislocation of shoulder
831.0 Closed dislocation of shoulder
831.00 Closed dislocation of shoulder, unspecified
831.01 Closed anterior dislocation of humerus
831.02 Closed posterior dislocation of humerus
831.03 Closed inferior dislocation of humerus
831.09 Closed dislocation of shoulder, other
831.1 Open dislocation of shoulder
831.10 Open dislocation of shoulder, unspecified
831.11 Open anterior dislocation of humerus
831.12 Open posterior dislocation of humerus
831.13 Open inferior dislocation of humerus
831.19 Open dislocation of shoulder, other
S43.006A Unspecified dislocation of unspecified shoulder joint, initial encounter
S43.016A Anterior dislocation of unspecified humerus, initial encounter
S43.026A Posterior dislocation of unspecified humerus, initial encounter
S43.036A Inferior dislocation of unspecified humerus, initial encounter
S43.086A Other dislocation of unspecified shoulder joint, initial encounter
S43.109A Unspecified dislocation of unspecified acromioclavicular joint, initial encounter
4D: Impaired Joint Mobility, Motor Function, Muscle Performance, and Range of Motion Associated with Connective Tissue Dysfunction
A 57-year-old male arrived with a complaint of right shoulder pain. Patient reports sudden onset of pain 2 days ago after falling on his outstretched right arm while playing soccer. He reports has been in “extreme” pain since then for which has been taking ibuprofen. He reports enjoys playing soccer at least once a week. Patient’s PMH includes HTN, appendectomy, tonsillectomy, and right humeral fracture as a child due to a fall. He reports feeling concerned due to his current inability to work as a plumber as well as his inability to perform some ADLs. Patient lives with his wife, who has been helping him mainly to get dressed and shower. He was unable to sleep on his right side (as usual) due to increased pain. Upon examination, patient appears in pain with a guarded posture to his right arm which is in mild abduction and external rotation. ROM and strength of the right shoulder were unable to assess due to pain. MMT of the right hand and elbow were decreased. Sensation on the right anterior shoulder area was diminished to light touch. Special tests were positive for the Sulcus sign on the right shoulder. Right shoulder Anterior Drawer, Load and Shift, and Apprehension tests were unable to assess due to pain (which were expected to be positive). Right shoulder x-rays showed anterior dislocation of the humeral head. Right shoulder MRI showed tear of the anterior inferior labrum.