715 Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders
715.11 Osteoarthrosis localized primary involving shoulder region
715.21 Osteoarthrosis localized secondary involving shoulder region
715.9 Osteoarthrosis unspecified whether generalized or localized
M19.019 Primary osteoarthritis, unspecified shoulder
M19.219 Secondary osteoarthritis, unspecified shoulder
4D: Impaired Joint Mobility, Motor Function, Muscle Performance, and Range of Motion Associated with Connective Tissue Dysfunction1
4F: Impaired Joint Mobility, Motor Function, Muscle Performance, Range of Motion, and Reflex Integrity Associated with Spinal Disorders2
4H: Impaired Joint Mobility, Motor Function, Muscle Performance, and Range of Motion Associated with Joint Arthroplasty3
4I: Impaired Joint Mobility, Motor Function, Muscle Performance, and Range of Motion Associated with Bony or Soft Tissue Surgery4
A 48-year-old man who formerly played high school and collegiate football presents with chronic right shoulder pain with progressive loss of function. The patient describes the pain as a deep ache. The patient has all shoulder motions limited. He is slightly weaker on the right side. He denies any neck pain and has full cervical spine range of motion (ROM). The patient had an X-ray that showed decreased joint space at the glenohumeral joint.
Most common form of arthritis
Degenerative joint disease
Commonly affects weight-bearing joints
Associated with increased age, obesity, previous trauma, previous surgery
Associated with abnormal loading of joints
Characterized by joint pain
Essentials of Diagnosis
Radiography is standard method for diagnosis
Kellgren and Lawrence (KL) grade ≥2 (definite radiographic OA)5
Osteophytes, joint-space narrowing, sclerosis
Cartilage lesions, bone marrow lesions, synovitis, effusion, and subchondral bone attrition/sclerosis
Erosion of articular cartilage
Synovial hyperplasia
Inflammatory cell infiltration
Conventional radiograph is most commonly used tool in OA6
Diagnosis is based on a careful history, physical examination, ...