M89.30 Hypertrophy of bone, unspecified site
M89.8X9 Other specified disorders of bone, unspecified site
M94.8X9 Other specified disorders of cartilage, unspecified sites
4E: Impaired joint mobility, motor function, muscle performance, and ROM associated with localized inflammation
Patient is a 56-year-old plumber. Two weeks ago he was working in a tight area under the sink and had his ankle dorsiflexed with all of the weight on his forefoot. The toes were all into extension. When he stood up he had pain under his big toe from what he described as an over stretching. He tried to put some ice on his foot. He presents with decreased motion at the first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint with swelling. He is having difficulty pushing off on the foot when trying to go up the ladder. Upon palpation he is point tenderness at the flexor hallicus longus and both sesamoids.
Inflammatory condition of the periosteum of the sesamoid bone
Inflammation and swelling of the peritendinous structures around the two sesamoid bones under the first metatarsal head, medial (tibial), and lateral (fibular) sesamoid
If caused by a sudden injury, may have a fracture of one or both sesamoids
Will alter mechanics during the push-off phase of gait
Essentials of Diagnosis
General Considerations
Inflammation greatest on the plantar surface of the joint
Often termed turf toe, but has a different tendinous structure injury2
Commonly seen in
People who squat for long periods of time (i.e., baseball players)
People who often run/jump on the balls of their feet (i.e., sprinters)
Women who wear high heels while standing or walking for long periods of time
The elderly, due to age-related changes such as osteoarthritis (OA) and osteoporosis
Early stage
Tenderness at the sesamoid bones
Mild pain with walking, especially in thin soled shoes
Pain with running and jumping
Mild swelling of sesamoids that subsides with rest/elevation/ice
Late stage
Constant pain may be present
Pain with bending toes up
Pain with weight-bearing activity
Swelling of the soft tissue that does not subside with rest/elevation
Eventually, entire first MTP ...