4E: Impaired Joint Mobility, Motor Function, Muscle Performance, and ROM Associated with Localized Inflammation
A 20-year-old football player hyperextended the great toe while playing on synthetic turf grass. He thinks his cleat may have gotten stuck in the turf while being tackled. The patient has a painful and swollen MTP joint of the great toe. He cannot walk or run without pain. Patient states the toe hurts the most when he tries to push-off with the toe/foot. The patient has a turf toe orthotic in his shoe.
Sprain to the ligaments and capsule around the big (great) toe metatarsophalangeal joint (MTP or MTPJ)
Caused by a hyperextension or hyperflexion injury of the big toe, first MTP joint
Typically a sudden injury, common to fall (tackled) over a fixed foot overstretching the toe into hyperextension
Limited joint mobility at the MTP joint
Can involve the sesamoid bones (two small bones embedded in the flexor hallucis brevis)
Essentials of Diagnosis
Diagnosis is usually made by clinical examination or x-ray
Can be an independent diagnosis and not associated with a disease process
Three grades of severity classification5
Grade 1 sprain: Minor stretch injury to the soft-tissue restraints with little pain, swelling, or disability
Grade 2 sprain: Partial tear of the capsuloligamentous structures with moderate pain, swelling, ecchymosis, and disability
Grade 3: Complete tear of the plantar plate with severe swelling, pain, ecchymosis, and an inability to bear weight normally
General Considerations
Pain and swelling
Inflammation around the first MTP joint
Will alter mechanics during the push-off phase of gait
If not managed properly, arthritis, spurring, and osteophytes can develop
Commonly seen in athletes playing on artificial surfaces
Can happen on grass with a shoe that does not adequately support the foot (such as soccer shoes)
Dancers, football players, rugby players