G89.4 Chronic pain syndrome
R10.2 Pelvic and perineal pain
N94.89 Other conditions associated with female genital organs and menstrual cycle
As of July 2014, the APTA Guide to Physical Therapist Practice does not include practice patterns for organ system pathology.
Associated or secondary musculoskeletal patterns include:
4C Impaired Muscle Performance1
4D: Impaired Joint Mobility, Motor Function, Muscle Performance, and Range of Motion Associated with Connective Tissue Dysfunction1
A 32-year-old woman reports a gradual onset of pain and swelling in the vaginal area, upper thigh, and labia which worsens when she is sitting. In the past year, she has developed more symptoms. She has noticed that she has to urinate more frequently, at least 10 times per day. She now is having pain during intercourse, and sometimes feels a throbbing pain in the vaginal regions at the end of the day.
Noncyclical poorly localized pelvic pain
Pain worsened by sitting, standing, at the end of the day, during or after intercourse
Blood pooling in the pelvic and ovarian veins
Pain associated with varicose veins in the thigh, buttock regions, vaginal area
Essentials of Diagnosis
Initially is a diagnosis of exclusion
Multidisciplinary approach to rule out other end-organ pathology
Standard workup includes abdominal and pelvic examination, Pap smear, routine blood work, cross-sectional imaging
General Considerations
Chronic pain condition
Often misdiagnosed
PT intervention is often appropriate for associated musculoskeletal impairments.
Diagnosis is a process of exclusion and often takes time, require intensive diagnostic testing.
Urogenital pain disorders frequently affect nearby body areas; especially back, pelvic, hip, groin regions and so may be inappropriately referred to PT.
May mimic other visceral pain conditions including coloncancer or tumor, irritable bowel, colitis.
May mimic gynecologic problems in females: Endometriosis, uterine fibroids, ectopic pregnancy.