A 56-year-old woman reports that she has been experiencing burning pain, tingling, and vibration sensations in the vaginal area. Pain is worse when she is sitting. Sometimes it feels like her tailbone hurts. Symptoms began after she completed a150 mile bicycle ride for charity.
Pain, burning, numbness, paresthesia in the gluteal, perineal, and/or genital area
Entrapment and injury to the pudendal nerve in Alcock canal
Alcock canal (musculo-osteo-aponeurotic tunnel) between sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligaments, in the absence of organic disease
Essentials of Diagnosis
“Nantes Criteria”2
Pain should be limited to the innervation territory of the pudendal nerve.
Excludes any pain that is limited to the coccygeal, pelvic, or gluteal areas.
Pain is predominantly experienced while sitting.
Pain rarely awakens the patient at night.
No objective sensory impairment can be found even in thepresence of paresthesia on clinical examination.
Pain should be relieved by anesthetic infiltration of the pudendal nerve.
General Considerations
Frequently misdiagnosed
Chronic pain condition
Urogenital pain disorders are frequently associated with pain and other musculoskeletal impairments in nearby body areas; especially back, pelvic, hip, groin regions
Few epidemiologic data found in the literature
Mean time to diagnosis is 4 years, ranging from 1 to 15 years
More prevalent in women; 7 of 10 patients are women
Pain along pudendal nerve distribution
Pain aggravated by sitting, stair climbing
Pain relieved by standing or lying and with sitting on toilet
Associated symptoms
Voiding dysfunction: Urinary hesitancy, frequency, urgency, obstructive voiding, painful voiding
Obstructive defecation: Difficult and painful bowel movements
Sexual dysfunction: Painful orgasms, persistent sexual arousal, ...