I would like to thank my Editorial Director, Michael Weitz, my Project Developmental Editor, Peter Boyle, and my Administrative Assistant, Laura Libretti at McGraw-Hill, for their assistance in this project. From the very beginning, their advice and direction have certainly helped in its completion.
I would also like to thank the following individuals who served as content reviewers for this edition. Their input and suggestions have been invaluable in this revision process.
Michael G. Dolan, MA, ATC
Professor of Kinesiology
Canisius College,
Buffalo, New York
Noah Wasielewski, PhD, ATC, CSCS
Assistant Professor, Graduate Clinical Athletic Training Program
Department of Exercise Science
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania
Lisa S. Jutte, PhD, ATC
Associate Professor
Department of Sport Studies
Xavier University
Cincinnati, Ohio
Associate Professor of Kinesiology
Director of Clinical Research, Orthopaedic Surgery
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia
Jennifer Ostrowski, PhD, LAT, ATC
Associate Professor of Athletic Training
Coordinator of Clinical Education
Moravian College
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
I would also like to thank my family, our two sons Brian and Zach, and my wife Tena, who, during the past year, has taught all of us about the tenuous frailty of the human body and the amazing resiliency of the human spirit.