When you finish this chapter you should be able to
Define the term drug.
Identify the various methods by which drugs can be administered.
Analyze pharmacokinetics relative to absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion.
Explain the difference between administering and dispensing medications.
Express legal concerns for administering medications to the athletic population.
Apply the various protocols that the athletic trainer should follow for administering over-the-counter medications to patients.
Categorize the various drugs that can be used to treat infection, reduce pain and inflammation, relax muscles, treat gastrointestinal disorders, treat symptoms of colds and congestion, and control bleeding.
Recognize the problem of substance abuse in the athletic population.
Describe the ergogenic aids used by athletes to improve performance.
Discuss the abuse of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco by athletes.
Evaluate drug-testing policies and procedures, and list the types of banned drugs.
Visit http://connect.mcgraw-hill.com for further exercises to apply your knowledge:
Clinical application scenarios covering administering and dispensing medications, drug classifications and therapeutic uses, and the use of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco by athletes and banned substances for athletes
Click-and-drag questions covering various methods by which drugs can be administered, regulating governing agencies for drugs, drug classifications and therapeutic uses, dispensing and application of medications, and banned drugs for athletes
Multiple-choice questions covering various methods to administer/dispense drugs, legal concerns, drug classifications and therapeutic uses, substance abuse, ergogenic aids, and drug-testing policies and procedures
Picture identification of various drug classifications and therapeutic uses
Pharmacology is the branch of science that studies the actions of drugs on biological systems, especially drugs that are used in medicine for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.30 Pharmaceutical care is the direct provision of medication-related care for the purpose of achieving definite outcomes that improve quality of life.23 Medications of all types, both prescription and over-the-counter, are as commonly used by athletes as they are by others in the population.1
Unfortunately, the abuse of various drugs and other substances for performance enhancement or for recreational mood alteration is also widespread among athletes. Thus, the athletic trainer must be knowledgeable about drug use and substance abuse within the population with which he or she works.30
A drug is a chemical agent used in the prevention, treatment, or diagnosis of disease.42 The ...