Chapter 0: Two new “A Look Back” features were added to highlight the careers of Elsworth Buskirk and Frances Hellebrandt.
Chapter 1: New suggested readings and updated references were added.
Chapter 2: Updated discussion on the role that heat shock proteins play in the cellular adaptation to stress.
Chapter 3: New illustration and box feature added to highlight the structure and function of the two subpopulations of mitochondria found in skeletal muscle.
Chapter 4: Several figures were upgraded along with the addition of a new section on measurement of .
Chapter 5: Numerous new and improved figures were added along with a new table highlighting hormonal changes during exercise. New information added on the impact of both growth hormone and anabolic steroids on skeletal muscle size and function.
Chapter 6: Update on the latest research findings on the impact of exercise on the immune system added.
Chapter 7: Expanded discussion on muscle sense organs (i.e., Golgi tendon organ and muscle spindles). New information added about the exceptions to the size principle. Further, a new section was added discussing how central pattern generators control movement during exercise. Additionally, Clinical Applications 7.2 was expanded to discuss the risk of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) in contact sports.
Chapter 8: Updated information on the role that satellite cells play in exercise-induced skeletal muscle hypertrophy was added. Further, new information on how exercise training alters the structure and function of the neuromuscular junction was included in this chapter. Lastly, new research on the cause of exercise-related skeletal muscle cramps was added along with a new box feature discussing new pharmacological approaches to prevent muscle cramps.
Chapter 9: Updated information on the prediction of maximal heart rates in older individuals. Expanded discussion highlighting new research on the regulation of muscle blood flow during exercise. Added a new A Closer Look 9.3 to discuss the impact of body position on stroke volume during exercise.
Chapter 10: Updated with the newest research findings on control of breathing during exercise. Also, new research on sex differences in breathing during exercise was also added.
Chapter 11: Several new and improved illustrations were added along with an expanded discussion on intracellular acid-base buffer systems. New section added about how buffering capacity differs between muscle fiber types and how exercise training impacts muscle buffer systems. Further, the chapter was improved by the addition of the latest information on nutritional supplements used to improve acid-base balance during exercise.
Chapter 12: Several new illustrations were added along with a discussion on the impact of a hot environment on exercise performance. Further, a box feature was added to discuss the influence of precooling on exercise performance. Lastly, the discussion of exercise in a cold environment was expanded to discuss the latest research findings.
Chapter 13: Numerous new illustrations were included in this greatly revised chapter along with the addition of two new box features that discuss (1) the impact of genetics on and (2) the influence of endurance exercise training on skeletal muscle mitochondrial volume and turnover. Moreover, a new section was also added to discuss muscle adaptations to anaerobic exercise. Finally, new and expanded information on the signaling events that lead to resistance training-induced muscle growth was included.
Chapter 14: Major revision to this chapter provides more focus on the importance of physical activity in the prevention of chronic diseases. Section on metabolic syndrome was extensively revised to include an expanded discussion of how physical activity and diet impacts the inflammation that is linked to chronic disease.
Chapter 15: Wide revision of the screening process for individuals entering a physical activity program along with new figures. Latest information regarding the new national standards for .
Chapter 16: Updated references and suggested readings.
Chapter 17: New information on ACSM’s physical activity recommendations for all special populations. New figure added on effect of age on along with a new Clinical Application box discussing physical activity and risk of cancer.
Chapter 18: Extensive revision to include new information on vitamins and minerals along with the new dietary guidelines for Americans. Widespread revision of the discussion on how to determine body composition along with a focused analysis of the causes and treatment for obesity.
Chapter 19: New “A Look Back” on Brenda Bigland-Ritchie along with an expanded discussion on the linkages between central and peripheral fatigue. Update on the role that free radicals play in exercise-induced muscle fatigue and new information on why Kenyan runners are often successful in long distance races.
Chapter 20: Chapter updated with latest research findings plus the addition of new suggested readings.
Chapter 21: Three new box features added to address the following: (1) What are the physiological limits to the enhancement of endurance performance?; (2) Do compression garments benefit athletes during competition and recovery from training?; and (3) Treatment of delayed onset muscle soreness.
Chapter 22: New illustration was added along with the latest research findings on the female athlete triad coupled with a discussion of the recent proposal to replace the term female athlete triad with new terminology.
Chapter 23: Updated information from the 2016 ACSM position stand on nutrition and performance along with an expanded discussion of the benefits and problems associated for athletes training with low levels of muscle glycogen. Expanded discussion of protein requirements for athletes along with a new discussion of the importance of consuming carbohydrates during long distance endurance events.
Chapter 24: Updated discussion on the “Live High Train Low” training strategy. New recommendations for prevention and treatment of heat illnesses coupled with new information on how the WBGT Index fits into planning workouts in hot/humid environments.
Chapter 25: Latest data on the prevalence and use of ergogenic aids. New information of dietary supplements for improving endurance performance along with additional information on the impact of stretching on performance.