This text Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application to Fitness and Performance is not the effort of only two authors but represents the contributions of hundreds of scientists from around the world. Although it is not possible to acknowledge every contributor to this work, we would like to recognize the following scientists who have greatly influenced our thinking, careers, and lives in general: Drs. Bruno Balke, Ronald Byrd, Jerome Dempsey, Stephen Dodd, H. V. Forster, B. D. Franks, Steven Horvath, Henry Montoye, Francis Nagle, and Hugh G. Welch.
Moreover, we would like to thank Matt Hinkley, Aaron Morton, and Brian Parr for their assistance in providing suggestions for revisions to this book. Indeed, these individuals provided numerous contributions to the improvement of the tenth edition of this book. Finally, we would like to thank the following reviewers who provided helpful comments about the ninth and tenth editions of Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application to Fitness and Performance:
University of Colorado at Boulder
Middle Tennessee State University
University of Massachusetts Lowell
University of the Incarnate Word
American Military University
Coastal Carolina University
University of Central Oklahoma
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee