By studying this chapter, you should be able to do the following:
Describe the primary function of the pulmonary system.
Outline the major anatomical components of the respiratory system.
List the major muscles involved in inspiration and expiration at rest and during exercise.
Discuss the importance of matching blood flow to alveolar ventilation in the lung.
Explain how gases are transported across the blood–gas interface in the lung.
Describe the major transportation modes of O2 and CO2 in the blood.
Discuss the effects of increasing temperature, decreasing pH, and increasing levels of 2–3 DPG on the oxygen–hemoglobin dissociation curve.
Describe the ventilatory response to constant load, steady-state exercise. What happens to ventilation if exercise is prolonged and performed in a hot environment?
Describe the ventilatory response to incremental exercise. What factors contribute to the alinear rise in ventilation at work rates above 50% of ?
Identify the location and function of chemoreceptors and mechanoreceptors that contribute to the regulation of breathing.
Discuss the neural-humoral theory of ventilatory control during exercise.
Function of the Respiratory System—The Big Picture 225
Structure of the Respiratory System 225
Conducting Zone 227
Respiratory Zone 228
Mechanics of Breathing 228
Inspiration 229
Expiration 229
Airway Resistance 229
Pulmonary Ventilation 231
Pulmonary Volumes and Capacities 232
Diffusion of Gases 234
Blood Flow to the Lung 236
Ventilation–Perfusion Relationships 237
O2 and CO2 Transport in Blood 237
Hemoglobin and O2 Transport 237
Oxygen–hemoglobin Dissociation Curve 238
O2 Transport in Muscle 240
CO2 Transport in Blood 240
Ventilation and Acid–Base Balance 241
Ventilatory and Blood–Gas Responses to Exercise 242
Control of Ventilation 244
Ventilatory Regulation at Rest 244
Respiratory Control Center 244
Input to the Respiratory Control Center 245
Ventilatory Control during Submaximal Exercise 247
Ventilatory Control during Heavy Exercise 248
Do the Lungs Adapt to Exercise Training? 249
Does the Pulmonary System Limit Maximal Exercise Performance? 250
alveolar ventilation
total lung capacity (TLC)
ventilatory threshold (Tvent)
The word respiration is ...