For the Instructor Guide and Worksheet Key please contact user services at userservices@mheducation.com
The student will appropriately:
Select and implement assessments and outcome measures for an individual with multiple sclerosis/cerebellar ataxia.
Select and implement interventions for an individual with multiple sclerosis/cerebellar ataxia.
Be able to justify treatment interventions for individuals with multiple sclerosis/cerebellar ataxia based on current evidence and specific to each disease.
Activity 1. Assessing the Client With Multiple Sclerosis
Students assess the client with multiple sclerosis (MS) using MS EDGE recommended tests and measures. Students then interpret these assessments. The client may be a person with MS brought into the lab or one of the case studies provided with the lab.
Activity 2. Interventions for the Client With Multiple Sclerosis
Students perform a variety of evidence-based interventions to improve the balance, gait, endurance, flexibility, and strength of individuals with MS. These will be completed with the volunteer who has MS or using the case study provided with the lab.
Activity 3. Assessing the Client With Ataxia
Students perform ataxia and coordination tests and measures. Students role-play and perform the SARA and other tests of coordination such as finger to nose.
Activity 4. Interventions for the Client With Ataxia
Students perform evidence-based interventions for clients with ataxia. Using the case study provided students determine three interventions for ataxia for this client and justify the use of each intervention.
Activity 5. Wrap-Up and Discussion
For additional information regarding the assessments and interventions that are discussed in this lab, students are referred to the Multiple Sclerosis Case and the Vestibular/Cerebellar Disorders chapters in the Nichols-Larsen textbook.
Activity 1. Assessing the Client With Multiple Sclerosis
Take a brief history of your client including a fall history. Focus on mobility issues he/she is experiencing. If you don’t have a client and are using the case study (Case 1: multiple sclerosis in Appendix 23-1), summarize the key facts from the case study client’s history.
Document pertinent history:
Administer the following outcome measures and document the client’s scores or report the results from the case study client:
Your client’s score = ________
What do your client’s results on the MS Walking Scale tell you about the client’s mobility and balance deficits?
10-Meter Walk Test or Timed 25-Foot Walk
Your client’s gait speed = ________m/s (calculate by taking 10 m or 7.62 m ...