Key National Athletic Trainers Association Position, Official, Consensus, and Support Statements
Employment settings for Athletic Trainers
Full-time, on-site athletic trainer coverage for secondary-school athletic programs
The use of qualified athletic trainers in secondary schools
Secondary School Student Athletes' Bill of Rights
Board of Certification requirements for certification as an athletic trainer
Strength of Recommendation Taxonomy (SORT)
Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE)
List of Available Patient-Related Outcome Measures Used in Sports Medicine
Duties of the team physician
Specializations for physicians
State regulation of the athletic trainer
Items to include in a policies and procedures manual
Safety when using electrical equipment
Models of supervision for the head athletic trainer
Additional certifications for athletic trainers working in a clinic or hospital
Information contained in medical records
Suggested Stations in a Preparticipation Physical Examination
Recommendations for Activity Restriction and Disqualification
Key Features and benefits of the Affordable Care Act
Common insurance terminology
Description of Billing Codes Used by Athletic Trainers
Guidelines for documentation of patient records
Comparison of Aerobic versus Anaerobic Activities
Rating of Perceived Exertion
Exercise Training Variables
Proper spotting techniques
Guidelines and precautions for stretching
2015–2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Examples of Fast-Food Choices and Nutritional Value
Tips for selecting fast foods
Determining body mass index
Key recommendations for weight loss and weight maintenance
Identifying the individual with an eating disorder
Variations in sweat rates
NATA recommendations for preventing heat illness
Recommendations for fluid replacement
NCAA-mandated guidelines for acclimatization in preseason football practices
Universal WBGT Index Fluid Replacement Recommendations
Activity Restrictions for Outdoor Physical Conditioning in Hot Weather
Measuring rectal temperature
Environmental conduct of sports, particularly football
Air Quality Guide for Ozone
Minimizing the effects of jet lag
Equipment regulatory agencies
Guidelines for selecting, purchasing, and fitting protective gear and sports equipment to help minimize liability
Guidelines for purchasing and reconditioning helmets
Proper football helmet fit
Properly fitting the ice hockey helmet
Guidelines for fitting a cycling helmet
Rules for fitting football shoulder pads
Proper running shoe design and construction
How to construct a hard-shell pad
Classification and Load Characteristics of Injuries
Recognizing signs and symptoms of staleness in athletes
Sudden exercise abstinence syndrome
Educating the injured patient about the rehabilitation process
Keys to recognition and referral of student-athletes with psychological conerns
Reasons for referral for psychological concerns
Sample emergency action plan
Consent form for medical treatment of a minor
Evaluating the Unconscious Athlete
Official statement—automated external defibrillators
Procedures for using airway adjunct devices
American Heart Association Recommended Blood Pressure Levels
Guidelines for proper splinting
Standard Orthopedic Definitions for Positions and Deviations
Off-the-field evaluation sequence
History of musculoskeletal injuries
Manual Muscle Strength Grading
Cranial Nerves and Their Functions
Myotome Patterns of Weakness Resulting from Spinal Nerve Root Lesion
Deep Tendon Reflex Grading
Constructing and using a volumetric tank
Overhead Squat Compensation Patterns
Single Leg Squat Compensation Patterns
Landing Technique “Errors”
Tuck Jump Test Technique Flaws
Functional Movement Screen
Clinical Test Reliability
Interpreting Likelihood Ratios
Clinical Prediction Rules For Musculoskeletal-Related Injuries Currently Used in Diagnosis and Clinical Practice
Standard Abbreviations and Symbols Used in Medical Documentation
Normal Laboratory Values of a Complete Blood Count (CBC) Panel
Normal Blood Lipids Panel
Normal Laboratory Values of a Urinalysis
Common Infectious Diseases
Suggestions for preventing the spread of infectious diseases
Behaviors that may lead to increased risk of HIV infection
Transmission of Hepatitis B and C Viruses and Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Physiological Responses to Thermotherapy
Whirlpool Temperatures for Treatment of the Extremities
Physiological Variables of Cryotherapy
Adverse reactions to cold
Sample Shortwave Diathermy Dosage
Precautions when using shortwave diathermy
Guidelines for an effective massage
Safe use of therapeutic modalities
Suggested aquatic workouts
Agencies and Regulations That Govern the Provision of Pharmaceutical Care
General Body Responses Produced by Drugs
List of Drug Classifications and Definitions
Athletic Trainers' Guide to Frequently Used Medications
Athletic Trainers' Guide to Frequently Used Medications—continued
Medications Recommended for the Management of Asthma
Drugs Reported to Predispose to Heat Illness
Protocols for the use of over-the-counter drugs for athletic trainers
Identifying the substance abuser
Examples of Caffeine-Containing Products
Examples of deleterious effects of anabolic steroids
Contacting the poison control center
Banned drugs—common ground
Intrinsic Muscles of the Foot
Suggested Shoe Components Based on Foot Type
Management plan: Plantar Fasciitis
Functional progression for the foot
Function of Key Ankle Ligaments
Muscles of the Ankle and Lower Leg
Mechanisms of Ankle Sprain and Ligament Injury
Management plan: Grade 2 Inversion Ankle Sprain
Management plan: Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome
Return to running following ankle injury functional progression
Classification of Instabilities
Lysholm knee scoring scale
Management plan: Surgical Repair of Anterior Cruciate Ligament
Management plan: Patellofemoral Pain
Management plan: Acute Groin Strain
Muscles of the Shoulder Complex
Management plan: Anterior Glenohumeral Dislocation
Management plan: Shoulder Impingement
Muscles Acting on the Elbow Joint
Muscles Acting on the Elbow Joint
Management plan: Posterior Elbow Dislocation
Muscles of the Forearm Acting on the Wrist, Hand, and Fingers
Intrinsic Muscles of the Hand
Releasing blood from beneath the fingernail
Conservative Treatment and Splinting of Finger Injuries
Muscles That Move the Vertebral Column
Brachial Plexus (Figure 25–7)
Lumbar and Sacral Plexuses (Figure 25–7)
Recommended postures to prevent low back pain
Summary of Special Tests for the Spine
Management plan: Cervical Sprain (Whiplash)
Management plan: Lumbosacral Strain
Sports with a High Risk of Head Injury
Balance Error Scoring System (BESS)
Clinical Evaluation Tools Related to Concussion
Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 5th edition (SCAT5)
On-Field or Sideline Evaluation of Acute Concussion
Home instructions for concussion
Conditions indicating the possibility of increasing intracranial pressure
Care of scalp lacerations
Supplies for managing eye injuries
Removing a foreign body from the eye
Muscles of the Abdominal Wall
Summary of Breathing Patterns and Sounds
Self-examination of the testes
The Skin's Structure and Function
Foot hygiene for excessive perspiration and odor
Basic care of athlete's foot
Management of the acute asthmatic attack
Management during a seizure
Suggested factors in secondary amenorrhea
Identifying a woman at risk for female athlete triad
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists: Recommendations for Physical Activity and Exercise During Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period