To identify on a human skeleton or subject selected bony features of the hip joint and pelvic girdle
To label on a skeletal chart selected bony features of the hip joint and pelvic girdle
To draw on a skeletal chart the individual muscles of the hip joint
To demonstrate, using a human subject, all the movements of the hip joint and pelvic girdle and list their respective planes of movement and axes of motion
To palpate on a human subject the muscles of the hip joint and pelvic girdle
To determine, list, and palpate the muscles of the hip joint and their antagonists and appreciate the role of the ligaments in providing stability
To learn and understand the innervation of the hip joint muscles
To determine, through analysis, the hip movements and muscles involved in selected skills and exercises
The hip, or acetabular femoral joint, is a relatively stable joint due to its bony architecture, strong ligaments and large supportive muscles. It functions in weight bearing and locomotion, which is enhanced significantly by the hip’s wide range of motion, which provides the ability to run, crossover cut, side-step cut, jump, and make many other directional changes.
BONES FIGS. 8.1 TO 8.3
The hip joint is a ball-and-socket joint that consists of the head of the femur connecting with the acetabulum of the pelvic girdle. The femur projects out laterally from its head toward the greater trochanter and then angles back toward the mid-line as it runs inferiorly to form the proximal bone of the knee. It is the longest bone in the body. The pelvic girdle consists of a right and left pelvic bone joined together posteriorly by the sacrum. The sacrum can be considered an extension of the spinal column with five fused vertebrae. Extending inferior from the sacrum is the coccyx. The pelvic bones are made up of three bones: the ilium, the ischium, and the pubis. At birth and during growth and development, there are three distinct bones. At maturity, they are fused to form one pelvic bone known as the os coxae, coxal, or innominate bone.
The pelvic bone can be divided roughly into three areas, starting from the acetabulum:
Upper two-fifths = ilium
Posterior and lower two-fifths = ischium
Anterior and lower one-fifth = pubis
In studying the muscles of the hip and thigh, it is helpful to focus on the important bony landmarks, keeping in mind their purpose as key attachment ...