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APTA House of Delegates Standard (Last Updated: 10/1/13)


The physical therapy profession’s commitment to society is to promote optimal health and functioning in individuals by pursuing excellence in practice. The American Physical Therapy Association attests to this commitment by adopting and promoting the following Standards of Practice for Physical Therapy. These Standards are the profession’s statement of conditions and performances that are essential for provision of high-quality professional service to society, and provide a foundation for assessment of physical therapist practice.


  1. Ethical Considerations

    The physical therapist practices according to the Code of Ethics of the American Physical Therapy Association.

    The physical therapist assistant complies with the Standards of Ethical Conduct for the Physical Therapist Assistant of the American Physical Therapy Association.

  2. Legal Considerations

    The physical therapist complies with all the legal requirements of jurisdictions regulating the practice of physical therapy.

    The physical therapist assistant complies with all the legal requirements of jurisdictions regulating the work of the assistant.


  1. Statement of Mission, Purposes, and Goals

    The physical therapy service has a statement of mission, purposes, and goals that reflects the needs and interests of the patients/clients served, the physical therapy personnel affiliated with the service, and the community.

  2. Organizational Plan

    The physical therapy service has a written organizational plan.

  3. Policies and Procedures

    The physical therapy service has written policies and procedures that reflect the operation, mission, purposes, and goals of the service, and are consistent with the association’s standards, policies, positions, guidelines, and Code of Ethics.

  4. Administration

    A physical therapist is responsible for the direction of the physical therapy service.

  5. Fiscal Management

    The director of the physical therapy service, in consultation with physical therapy staff and appropriate administrative personnel, participates in the planning for and allocation of resources. Fiscal planning and management of the service is based on sound accounting principles.

  6. Improvement of Quality of Care and Performance

    The physical therapy service has a written plan for continuous improvement of quality of care and performance of services.

  7. Staffing

    The physical therapy personnel affiliated with the physical therapy service have demonstrated competence and are sufficient to achieve the mission, purposes, and goals of the service.

  8. Staff Development

    The physical therapy service has a written plan that provides for appropriate and ongoing staff development.

  9. Physical Setting

    The physical setting is designed to provide a safe and accessible environment that facilitates fulfillment of the mission, purposes, and goals of the physical therapy service.

    The equipment is safe and sufficient to achieve the purposes and goals of physical therapy.

  10. Collaboration

    The physical therapy service collaborates with all disciplines as appropriate.


  1. Physical Therapist of Record

    The physical therapist of record is the therapist who assumes responsibility for patient/client management and is accountable for the coordination, continuation, ...

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