Thank you to our longstanding sports nutrition experts and to the emerging researchers in sports nutrition who contributed their knowledge and experience in updating this edition. This edition has been a challenge, with many contributors overwhelmed by increasing workloads, changing work environments and other limitations imposed by the COVID pandemic. Thank you, contributors, for your valuable time, expertise and input in these extenuating circumstances. We apologise for harassing you to meet our publishing deadlines. We thank our own workplaces, friends and families for their patience and support in accommodating the call on our own time, and note that the increased workload has created an opportunity to welcome Michelle Minehan to the team of editors.
Chapter 15 is dedicated to Professor Anne Loucks for her pioneering work in the field of energy availability and in recognition of her contributions to previous editions of this textbook. The legacy of Associate Professor Helen O’Connor is found in so many chapters: from her ongoing contribution to Chapter 7, to her role in mentoring authors of other chapters. Helen’s death during the preparation of this edition leaves many of us missing her friendship as well as her extensive academic and practical knowledge. Thank you to Diane Gee-Clough and Rochelle Deighton at McGraw Hill Education and to freelance editor Rosemary Moore, for their understanding and support in helping us to bring this edition together. We appreciate your patience and attention to detail.
Finally, we thank all the coaches, athletes and other sports service providers with whom we have worked, and who continue to challenge us and keep us pursuing new opportunities to improve the performance, health and wellbeing of our athletes through nutrition intervention.