QUESTION 1 During a neurologic screening for a patient who suffered an ischemic cerebral vascular accident, you note the patient has abarognosis. You can suspect the patient experienced ischemia in which lobe of the brain?
Rationale: A. Barognosis is the ability to identify and differentiate between the weight of objects when holding them or lifting them; abarognosis is the inability to differentiate the weight of objects. Barognosis and other perceptual evaluation occurs in the right parietal lobe primarily (O’Sullivan, 2019)
QUESTION 2 You are working with a patient whose goal is to reduce “freezing” episodes. The patient also has complaints of hallucinations and occasional gastrointestinal changes. You can expect the patient is taking which of the following medications?
Rationale: D. Sinemet is the “gold” standard medication used with a patient with freezing episodes with Parkinson disease. Tegretol does help with tonic spasms yet more commonly used with patients with multiple sclerosis (Martin, 2021) (O’Sullivan, 2019)
QUESTION 3 You are treating a patient with a history of lower extremity lymphedema who has left knee pain after a fall. Upon initiating the treatment session, the patient reports she feels her lymphedema has progressed and her compression garment is no longer fitting. She asks you to wrap her left leg with compression wraps to control the edema. The evaluating PT has no inclusion of lymphatic treatment in the initial evaluation or plan of care, and you have no additional training in lymphedema treatment. What action would be most appropriate for you to take?
A. You should wrap the lower extremity with long-stretch compression bandages to facilitate reduction of edema and advise the patient to wear until bedtime and then remove
B. You should notify the supervising PT and refer the patient back to the PT for evaluation of lymphatic symptoms before initiating any treatment for the lymphedema
C. You should recommend the patient continue with the use of her compression garment and apply a neoprene sleeve over the top for added compression
D. You should perform manual lymphatic drainage (MLD)
Rationale: B. The PTA should be referred back to the PT for assessment before performing any lymphedema treatment as it was not ...