List of professional sports medicine organizations
Athletic injury management checklist
Looking to hire a certified athletic trainer?
Criteria for secondary schools that must be adhered to in order to achieve the safe sports school award
Rules and policies of the athletic health care facility
Suggestions for maintaining a sanitary environment
Cleaning responsibilities
Recommended health practices checklist
Orthopedic screening examination
Examples of available injury tracking software systems for the athletic trainer
Recommended basic health care facility supplies
Recommended basic field kit supplies
Athletic injury management checklist
Athletic injury management checklist
Key features and benefits of the Affordable Care Act
Athletic injury management checklist
Principles of conditioning
Guidelines and precautions for stretching
Techniques for improving muscular strength
Progressive resistance exercise terminology
Comparison of aerobic versus anaerobic activities
Rating of perceived exertion
Athletic injury management checklist
Most widely used herbs and purposes for use
Tips for selecting fast foods
Guidelines for weight loss
Recognizing the individual with disordered eating
Athletic injury management checklist
Equipment regulatory agencies
Guidelines for purchasing and reconditioning helmets
Proper football helmet fit
Rules for fitting football shoulder pads
Athletic injury management checklist
Universal WBGT index fluid replacement recommendations
Summary and comparison of heat disorders, treatment, and prevention
Recommendations for fluid replacement
Recommendations for preventing heat illness
Minimizing the effects of jet lag
Athletic injury management checklist
Sample emergency action plan
Consent form for medical treatment of a minor
Initial management of acute injuries
Athletic injury management checklist
Symptoms associated with a COVID-19 or Delta-variant infection
Recommendations and guidelines for preventing the spread of infectious diseases
Transmission of Hepatitis B and C viruses and human immunodeficiency virus
Bloodborne pathogen risk categories for sports
Glove removal and use (Figure 9–2)
Suggested practices in wound care
Athletic injury management checklist
Athletic injury management checklist
Return to running following lower-extremity injury functional progression
What are therapeutic modalities used for?
Athletic injury management checklist
Progressive reactions of injured athletes based on severity of injury and length of rehabilitation
Nine factors to incorporate into goal setting for the athlete
Things a coach, fitness professional, or athletic trainer can do to provide social support for an injured athlete
Athletic injury management checklist
Caring for a torn blister
Managing the ingrown toenail
Muscles of the ankle joint
Technique for controlling swelling immediately following injury
Muscles of the knee joint
Muscles of the thigh, hip, and groin
Muscles of the shoulder complex
Muscles of the wrist, hand, and fingers
Recommended postures and practices for preventing low back pain
Muscles of the abdomen and thorax
When an athlete shows any signs of a concussion
Common viral, bacterial, and fungal skin infections found in athletes
Preventing the spread of MRSA
Basic care of athlete’s foot
Symptoms and management of the acute asthmatic attack
Using a metered-dose inhaler
Classifying blood pressure
Some infectious viral diseases
Identifying a woman at risk for female athletic triad
Sexually transmitted diseases
Identifying an individual who may be using performance-enhancing drugs
Examples of caffeine-containing products
Examples of deleterious effects of anabolic steroids
Banned drugs—common ground
Estimated number of young people ages 6–17 enrolled in specific categories of youth sports
Tanner stages of maturity
National standards for sport coaches
National action plan for sports safety
Athletic injury management checklist