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Joint Convex Surface Concave Surface Resting Position Treatment Plane and Relationship of the Osteokinematic Motion (OM) and Arthrokinematic Glide (AG)
Sternoclavicular For elevation/depression, the sternum is concave, the clavicle is convex   Arm resting by side For elevation/depression the OM and AG are in opposite directions
  For protraction/retraction, the sternum is convex, the clavicle is concave     For protraction/retraction the OM and AG are in the same directions
Acromioclavicular Clavicle Acromion Arm resting by side OM and AG are in opposite directions
Glenohumeral Humerus Glenoid 55 degrees of abduction, 30 degrees of horizontal adduction In scapular plane: OM and AG are in opposite directions
Humeroradial Humerus Radius Elbow extended, forearm supinated Perpendicular to long axis of radius: OM and AG are in the same directions
Humeroulnar Humerus Ulna 70 degrees of elbow flexion, 10 degrees of forearm supination 45 degrees to long axis of ulna: OM and AG are in the same directions
Radioulnar (proximal) Radius Ulna 70 degrees of elbow flexion, 35 degrees of forearm supination Parallel to long axis of ulna: OM and AG are in the opposite directions
Radioulnar (distal) Ulnar Radius Supinated 10 Parallel to long axis of radius: OM and AG are in the same directions
Radiocarpal Proximal carpal bones Radius Line through radius and third metacarpal Perpendicular to long axis of radius: OM and AG are in opposite directions
Intercarpal Scaphoid Trapezium and trapezoid Midposition Parallel to joint surfaces: OM and AG are in the same directions
Carpometacarpal joint of the thumb For flexion/extension, the carpal is convex, the metacarpal is concave   Midposition For flexion/extension: OM and AG are in the same directions
  For abduction/adduction the carpal is concave, the metacarpal is convex     For abduction/adduction: OM and AG are in opposite directions
Metacarpophalangeal (2-5) Metacarpal Proximal phalanx Slight flexion Parallel to joint: OM and AG are in the same directions
Interphalangeal Proximal phalanx Distal phalanx Slight flexion Parallel to joint: OM and AG are in the same directions
Hip Femur Acetabulum Hip flexed 30 degrees, abducted 30 degrees, slight external rotation OM and AG are in opposite directions
Tibiofemoral Femur Tibia Flexed 25 degrees On surface of tibial plateau: OM and AG are in the same directions
Patellofemoral Patella Femur Knee in full extension Along femoral groove: OM and AG are in opposite directions
Talocrural Talus Mortise Plantarflexed 10 degree In the mortise in anterior/posterior direction: OM and AG are in opposite directions
Subtalar Calcaneus Talus Subtalar neutral between inversion/eversion In talus, parallel to foot surface: OM and AG are in the same directions
Talonavicular Talus Navicular Midposition OM and AG are in the same directions
Calcaneocuboid For flexion/extension the calcaneus is convex, the cuboid is concave     For flexion/extension: OM and AG are in the same directions
  For abduction/adduction, the calcaneus is concave, the cuboid is convex     For abduction/adduction: OM and AG are in opposite directions
Metatarsophalangeal Tarsal bone Proximal phalanx

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