The most difficult aspect of the study of kinesiology is the
application of anatomical and biomechanical concepts and principles
so that students are able to generalize their knowledge across movement
patterns and to apply it to new and unique patterns they may encounter.
For students of human motion to be effective in applying their enhanced
knowledge of kinesiological principles to effect improved performance,
they must establish a logical framework for their analysis and engage
in a systematic approach to critical observation and evaluation.
At the conclusion of Part III, students should be able to complete
basic qualitative kinesiological analyses for all categories of
skill classification. This means that they will have learned to
observe and describe movements accurately, evaluate performance
according to anatomical and mechanical principles, and prescribe
corrective actions when needed. It also means that they will have developed
the ability to select and evaluate the appropriateness of motor
skills and exercises and related equipment.
Part III draws on the anatomical and mechanical information presented
in Parts I and II. Analyses and applications that provide the basis
for the successful performance of motor skills are presented on
the basis of the model for kinesiological analysis developed in
Chapter 1.
The first eight chapters in Part III are organized according
to the system for classification of motor skills (see System for Classification of Motor Skills)
and are presented with the intent that the student progress from
the study of relatively simple motions to more complex motions—that
is, from the standing posture through exercise and locomotion, to
the giving of motion to external objects and the reception of impact. Included
in each chapter are a brief description of the types of motion involved;
outlines of anatomical and mechanical principles for effective,
efficient, and safe performance; and an in-depth qualitative analysis
of at least one motor activity.
Chapter 23 concludes Part III with a description of the instrumentation
and methodology currently being used for motion analysis. It is
becoming more and more likely that students at all levels will have
direct experience with sophisticated equipment and methodology as
early as their first kinesiology course. It is, therefore, important
that they understand the significance of the contributions to our
growing knowledge of human motion that have occurred through the
expanding use of increasingly sophisticated analysis techniques
and tools.