"Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers"—Alfred Tennyson
Welcome to the world of cardiovascular and pulmonary
physical therapy! There are at least four things that we think you should
know about this book:
• It reflects the
broadest possible spectrum of cardiovascular and pulmonary physical therapy
practice and draws upon the experience of the many experts who we recruited
as chapter authors.
• The Guide to Physical Therapist Practice,
second edition, is the framework we used for the description of tests,
measures, and interventions. Our text links these tests, measures, and
interventions with pathophysiologies in a case study format.
This textbook provides an evidence base for many of the tests, measures, and
interventions used by physical therapists.
• It is accompanied by
a CD-ROM that provides the user with an interactive, visual workbook of case
Why did we write this new second edition
textbook for cardiovascular and pulmonary physical therapy? We believe that
a fundamental paradigm shift has occurred in both the practice of physical
therapy and the education of physical therapy students. These changes
include health care cost containment, the introduction of the Guide to
Physical Therapist Practice, and the utilization of the disablement
model. Within the educational environment, these changes have moved the
entry-level physical therapy degree to the doctoral level. This updated
textbook reflects these dramatic changes.
are ways we believe our book helps physical therapists meet the challenges
of this new environment:
• It integrates the
Guide to Physical Therapist Practice. Chapter 2 describes both the
history and use of the Guide.
• Preferred practice patterns
for cardiovascular and pulmonary physical therapy form Chapters 15 through
22 and are used as springboards to describe interventions and outcomes.
• A case study in each practice pattern chapter permits the student to
experience the proper application of the practice patterns.
• The
patient–client management model is used in the case studies;
appropriate tests, measures, and interventions are selected from the
practice pattern and applied to the patient.
• Language has been
standardized across chapters.
• "International Perspectives"
provide ways to gain insight into the global practice of physical therapy.
Prominant therapists from Australia, Canada, Japan, Singapore, and Colombia
comment on physical therapy in their countries; these discussions allow
comparison of clinical practice behaviors, which may differ from those in
the United States.
• With the inclusion of an evidence base and
peer-reviewed published research in this book, the physical therapist is
able to "narrow the circle" and to develop more specific intervention
regimens using hypothesis-oriented algorithms that clarify the use of the Guide.
The limits of current knowledge are also provided as a stimulus to research.
Several chapters bear special mention:
• The newer ICF Model of
Disablement is included in Chapter 2 of the second edition, with discussion
of its utility.
• Exercise physiology coverage in Chapter 3
summarizes aspects of the field that are particularly applicable to physical
therapy and applies it to patient care.
• Patients with orthopedic
and neurological disease are addressed in Chapters 13 and 14, and the
principles of cardiovascular and pulmonary physical therapy are applied to
• A new Chapter 16—Physical Therapy Associated with
Obesity—recognizes this important area of medical practice and the
expanding role of physical therapy services in its management.
The history and future of cardiovascular and pulmonary physical therapy are
addressed in Chapters 1 and 23 and provide the proper context for our craft.
We hope that this textbook will meet the needs of our
rapidly changing profession as we move forward in the new millennium.
Students will find this text replete with evidence that supports our craft.
Practicing clinicians will find that the application and utility of our
second edition will advance their skills.
E. DeTurk
Lawrence P. Cahalin