Δ | change |
↓ | decrease |
↑ | increase |
↔ | to/from, in/out of |
∼ | approximate |
= | equals |
< | less than |
> | greater than |
# | number |
− | minus |
+ | plus |
& | and |
etc | etcetera |
% | percentage |
∥ | parallel bars |
@ | each, at, before |
′ | foot |
″ | inch |
° | degree |
| after |
| with |
| without |
♀ | female |
♂ | male |
¶ | paragraph |
| |
A | artery |
a | ante (L) |
A | assistance, assessment |
AA | atlantoaxial; adjusted age; active assist |
AAA | abdominal aortic aneurysm |
AAO X3 | alert, awake, and oriented to date, person, place |
ARRA | American Recovery Reinvestment Act |
AAROM | active assisted range of motion |
AARP | American Association of Retired Persons |
Abd | abduction |
ABG | arterial blood gases |
AC | alternating current; acromioclavicular |
a.c. | before a meal |
ACA | anterior communicating artery; anterior cerebral artery |
ACCE | academic coordinator of clinical education |
ACL | anterior cruciate ligament |
ACM | Arnold-Chiari malformation |
ACSM | American College of Sports Medicine |
AD | adduction, advanced directive, assistive device |
ADA | American Dental Association, American Dietetics Association |
ad lib | ad libitum (Latin), at pleasure |
ADD | attention deficit disorder |
ADHD | attention deficit hyperactivity disorder |
ADL | activities of daily living |
Adm | admitted |
ADR | additional development required |
AE(A) | above elbow amputation; preferred is transhumeral amputation |
AF | atrial fibrillation, Arthritis Foundation |
AFB | acid-fast bacillus |
AFO | ankle foot orthosis |
AFP | alpha-fetoprotein |
AGA | appropriate for gestational age |
AHA | American Heart Association, American Hospital Association |
AHIMA | American Health Information Management Association |
AI | aortic incompetence |
AIDS | acquired immune deficiency syndrome |
AIMS | Alberta infant motor scale |
AK(A) | above knee amputation; preferred is transfemoral amputation |
ALL | acute lymphocytic leukemia, anterior longitudinal ligament |
ALJ | administrative law judge |
ALS | amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; advanced life support |
AM | morning |
AMA | against medical advice; American Medical Association |
amb. | ambulate, ambulation |
AML | acute meylogenous leukemia, acute myelocytic leukemia |
ANA | American Nursing Association |
ANS | autonomic nervous system |
ant. | anterior |
AOTA | American Occupational Therapy Association |
AP | anteroposterior, before dinner |
APGAR | appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, respiration |
APTA | American Physical Therapy Association |
ARC | Association for Retarded Citizens |
ARD | assessment reference dates |
ARDS | adult respiratory distress syndrome |
| acute respiratory distress syndrome |
ARF | acute renal failure; acute respiratory failure |
ARNP | Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner |
AROM | active range of motion |
AS | aortic stenosis; ankylosing spondylitis |
As & Bs | apnea and bradycardia |
ASA | aspirin |
ASAP | as soon as possible |
ASD | atrial septal defect |
ASHA | American Speech and Hearing Association |
ASIS | anterior superior iliac spine |
Asst, assist | assistance, assist |
ATC | athletic trainer, certified |
ATNR | asymmetric tonic neck reflex |
AV | arteriovenous; atrioventricular; aortic valve |
AVM | arteriovenous malformation |
| |
B | bilateral; both |
BAER | brainstem auditory evoked response (hearing screening) |
BBA | Balanced Budget Act |
BBB | blood brain barrier; bundle-branch block |
BCBS | Blue Cross and Blue Shield |
BE | barium enema |
BE(A) | below elbow amputation; preferred is transradial amputation |
BIB | drink |
BICU | burn intensive care unit |
BID | bis in die (Latin); twice a day |
Bil, bilat | bilateral |
BIN | twice at night |
BK(A) | below knee amputation; preferred is transtibial amputation |
Bl | blood; bleeding |
BM | bowel movement |
BMI | body mass index |
BMR | basal metabolic rate |
BMT | bone marrow transplant |
BOS | base of ... |