Sections View Full Chapter Figures Tables Videos Annotate Full Chapter Figures Tables Videos Supplementary Content ++ Barlow’s syndromeFloppy mitral valveMitral-click murmur syndromeSystolic-click murmur syndrome ++ 424.0 Mitral valve disorders ++ I34.1 Nonrheumatic mitral (valve) prolapse ++ 6D: Impaired aerobic capacity/endurance associated with cardiovascular pump dysfunction or failure +++ Description ++ Abnormally thickened mitral valve that becomes displaced into left atrium during systolic contractionClassic and non-classicNon-classic carries low risk of complicationsComplications of classic MVP include mitral valve regurgitation, endocarditis, congestive heart failure, cardiac arrest +++ Essentials of Diagnosis ++ Stethoscope for auscultation systolic click in the mitral position, possible late systolic murmurEKG/ECG2EchocardiographyExercise stress test +++ General Considerations ++ Education on disease management reduces hospitalizationPatients with significant prolapse may show signs and symptoms of congestive heart failureStrenuous activity should be limited for symptomatic mitral prolapseCan lead to sudden cardiac death, arrhythmias, embolic events, and coronary diseasePatients can develop bacterial endocarditisMild to moderate prolapse generally does not cause symptoms +++ Demographics ++ Prevalent in 2% of thin female adoloscents5Equal incidence of classic and non-classicEqual incidence between genders and age groupsMore common in patients with underlying genetic disease +++ Signs and Symptoms ++ Murmur accentuated with standing, hand-grip maneuver, Valsalva maneuver, and diminished with squattingCardiovascular collapse or shockAngina pectoris3Syncope3Congestive heart failure3Dyspnea on exertionShortness of breath3Anginal chest pain that increases with exerciseOrthopnea3Fatigue, weakness3Fainting, dizziness with activityPalpitationsPalpable heaves/thrills over precordiumArrhythmias, particularly atrial fibrillationEndocarditis +++ Functional Implications ++ Symptoms depend on degree of valvular dysfunctionSevere mitral prolapse causes progressive shortness of breath and signs of congestive heart failurePatients may be unaware of reduced cardiovascular capacityMVP can cause syncope, chest pain, heart failure if severe +++ Possible Contributing Causes ++ Excessive connective tissue in valve leafletsEhler’s-Danlos syndromeMarfan syndromePolycystic kidney diseaseGrave’s diseasePectus excavatum +++ Differential Diagnosis ++ Acute coronary syndromeAortic regurgitationAortic stenosisMitral valve regurgitationMitral stenosisMyocardial infarction complicationShock, hypovolemiaCardiac pump dysfunctionMuscle dysfunction produces slight-to-moderate reduction in cardiac output (CO)Mild-to-moderate activity limitationFunctional capacity of ⩽ 5 to 6 metabolic equivalents (METS)Cardiac pump failureMuscle dysfunction produces moderate-to-severe reduction in COMarked activity limitationFunctional capacity of ⩽ 4 to 5 METS +++ Imaging2 ++ EchocardiographyVisualization of enlarged mitral leafletsDisplacement of leaflets into left atrium during systolic contractionMitral valve leaflets > 5mm, displacement > 2mm indicates classic MVPChest x-rayPossible enlargement of left atrium or ventricle is concomitant mitral regurgitation (MR)ECGResults usually normalPossible biphasic T wavesPossible signs of arrhythmias: fibrillation, ... Your Access profile is currently affiliated with [InstitutionA] and is in the process of switching affiliations to [InstitutionB]. Please select how you would like to proceed. Keep the current affiliation with [InstitutionA] and continue with the Access profile sign in process Switch affiliation to [InstitutionB] and continue with the Access profile sign in process Get Free Access Through Your Institution Learn how to see if your library subscribes to McGraw Hill Medical products. Subscribe: Institutional or Individual Sign In Error: Incorrect UserName or Password Username Error: Please enter User Name Password Error: Please enter Password Sign in Forgot Password? Forgot Username? Sign in via OpenAthens Sign in via Shibboleth You already have access! Please proceed to your institution's subscription. Create a free profile for additional features.