Sections View Full Chapter Figures Tables Videos Annotate Full Chapter Figures Tables Videos Supplementary Content ++ MyelomeningoceleSpina bifida cysticaMyelodysplasiaSpinal dysraphismMeningoceleMyeloceleMeningomyeloceleSpina bifida occultaSpina bifida aperta ++ 741 Spina bifida741.0 Spina bifida with hydrocephalus741.00 Spina bifida unspecified region with hydrocephalus741.01 Spina bifida cervical region with hydrocephalus741.02 Spina bifida dorsal (thoracic) region with hydrocephalus741.03 Spina bifida lumbar region with hydrocephalus741.9 Spina bifida without mention of hydrocephalus741.90 Spina bifida unspecified region without hydrocephalus741.91 Spina bifida cervical region without hydrocephalus741.92 Spina bifida dorsal (thoracic) region without hydrocephalus741.93 Spina bifida lumbar region without hydrocephalus742.0 Encephalocele ++ Q01 EncephaloceleQ01.0 Frontal encephaloceleQ01.1 Nasofrontal encephaloceleQ01.2 Occipital encephaloceleQ01.8 Encephalocele of other sitesQ01.9 Encephalocele, unspecified Q05 Spina bifidaQ05.0 Cervical spina bifida with hydrocephalusQ05.1 Thoracic spina bifida with hydrocephalusQ05.2 Lumbar spina bifida with hydrocephalusQ05.3 Sacral spina bifida with hydrocephalusQ05.4 Unspecified spina bifida with hydrocephalusQ05.5 Cervical spina bifida without hydrocephalusQ05.6 Thoracic spina bifida without hydrocephalusQ05.7 Lumbar spina bifida without hydrocephalusQ05.8 Sacral spina bifida without hydrocephalusQ05.9 Spina bifida, unspecifiedQ07.01 Arnold Chiari malformationQ07.3 Arnold Chiari syndrome with spina bifida and hydrocephalusQ76.0 Spina bifida occulta ++ Pattern 5C: Impaired Motor Function and Sensory Integrity Associated With Nonprogressive Disorders of the Central Nervous System - Congenital Origin or Acquired in Infancy or Childhood +++ Description ++ Group of disorders involving failure of closure in the caudal end of the spinal column in utero Lipomenigocele: fatty tissue mass without typical neurologic involvement or hydrocephalusAnencephaly: failure of closure of caudal end of neural tube, incompatible with lifeOccipital meningocele: meningeal sac at the occipital levelEncephalocele: meningeal sac containing cerebral tissueSpina bifida occulta: mildest defect characterized by dimple in skin and/or tuft of hair, asymptomaticMeningocele: meningeal sac filled with cerebrospinal fluid2Meningomyelocele: severe defect characterized by meningeal sac that contains a portion of the spinal cordSpina bifida aperta: rare, most severe type of defect that contains neural plate and rectum in addition to spinal cord +++ Essentials of Diagnosis ++ Often involves the meninges and/or spinal nerves resulting in hydrocephalus and/or Arnold-Chiari malformation +++ General Considerations ++ Extent of neural involvement ranges from anencephaly, sacral agenesis, meningocele, or myelomeningocele +++ Demographics ++ Probability of occurrence in siblings 1 to 2%3Probability of occurrence in offspring 5%3Meningomyelocele accounts for 94% of all spina bifida occurrences.4Incidence 1:1000 live birthsIrish and Celtic families at increased risk (4.5:1000 live births)Japanese families at lowest risk (0.3:1000 live births) +++ Signs and Symptoms ++ Open lesion on spinal columnSkin-covered cephaloceleHydrocephalusMuscle weakness and/or paralysis in lower extremitiesSensory deficits in lower extremitiesTalipes equinovarus (clubfoot)Latex allergyVisual perceptual deficitsCognitive deficitsSpeech delaySigns and symptoms of tethered cord ... Your Access profile is currently affiliated with [InstitutionA] and is in the process of switching affiliations to [InstitutionB]. Please select how you would like to proceed. Keep the current affiliation with [InstitutionA] and continue with the Access profile sign in process Switch affiliation to [InstitutionB] and continue with the Access profile sign in process Get Free Access Through Your Institution Learn how to see if your library subscribes to McGraw Hill Medical products. Subscribe: Institutional or Individual Sign In Error: Incorrect UserName or Password Username Error: Please enter User Name Password Error: Please enter Password Sign in Forgot Password? Forgot Username? Sign in via OpenAthens Sign in via Shibboleth You already have access! Please proceed to your institution's subscription. Create a free profile for additional features.