The Elbow Joint
The Radioulnar Joints
Structure of Proximal Radioulnar Joint
Structure of Distal Radioulnar Joint
Muscles of the Elbow and Radioulnar Joints
Characteristics and Functions of Individual Muscles
Muscular Analysis of the Fundamental Movements of the Forearm
The Wrist and Hand
Structure of the Wrist (Radiocarpal) Joint
Movements of the Hand at the Wrist Joint
Structure and Movements of the Midcarpal and Intercarpal Joints
Structure of the Carpometacarpal and Intermetacarpal Joints
Movements of the Carpometacarpal Joint of the Thumb
Movements of the Carpometacarpal and Intermetacarpal Joints of the Fingers
Structure of the Metacarpophalangeal Joints
Movements of the Metacarpophalangeal Joints of the Four Fingers
Movements of the Metacarpophalangeal Joints of the Thumb
The Interphalangeal Joints
Muscles of the Wrist and Hand
Characteristics and Functions of Muscles
Muscular Analysis of the Fundamental Movements of the Wrist, Fingers, and Thumb
The Wrist
The Fingers
The Thumb
The Thumb Metacarpal
The Thumb Phalanges
Length of Long Finger Muscles Relative to Range of Motion in Wrist and Fingers
Using the Hands for Grasping
Common Injuries of the Forearm, Elbow, Wrist, and Fingers
Fractures of the Forearm
Elbow Dislocation and Fracture
Sprained or Strained Wrist
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Avulsion Fracture
Laboratory Experiences
At the conclusion of this chapter, the student should be able to:
Name, locate, and describe the structure and ligamentous reinforcements of the articulations of the elbow, forearm, wrist, and hand.
Name and demonstrate the movements possible in the joints of the elbow, forearm, wrist, and hand regardless of the starting position.
Name and locate the muscles and muscle groups of the elbow, forearm, wrist, and hand, and name their primary actions as agonists, stabilizers, neutralizers, or antagonists.
Analyze the fundamental movements of the forearm, hand, and fingers with respect to joint and muscle actions.
Describe the common athletic injuries of the forearm, elbow, wrist, and fingers.
Perform an anatomical analysis of the elbow, forearm, wrist, and hand in a motor skill.
In much the same way that the shoulder girdle's cooperation with the shoulder joint contributes to the wide range of motion available to the hand, the cooperative movements of the elbow, radioulnar, and wrist joints contribute to the versatility and precision of its movements. Although the hand is intrinsically skillful, its usefulness is greatly impaired when anything interferes with the motions of the forearm or wrist. Injury to any one of the joints involved makes this painfully obvious to the sufferer.
The elbow is far more complex than the simple hinge joint that it appears to be. The two bones of the forearm attach to the humerus in totally different ways. The humeroulnar joint is indeed a true hinge joint, but the humeroradial joint is far from it. It has ...