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For the Instructor Guide and Worksheet Key please contact user services at



The student will:

  1. Assess and interpret findings of vital capacity, peak cough flow, and inspiratory/expiratory pressure tests.

  2. Appropriately and effectively demonstrate techniques for managing breathlessness/dyspnea, sputum retention and ineffective cough, and hypoventilation due to respiratory muscle weakness.

  3. Identify indications, applications, and considerations for rehabilitation with noninvasive ventilation, glossopharyngeal breathing, and neck accessory muscle breathing.

Activity 1. Introduction

A brief discussion of the cause of respiratory problems in clients with neurological disorders and diagnoses that are commonly associated with respiratory problems. Students consider common respiratory system abnormalities in people with neurological disorders and identify the cause and clinical manifestations of the abnormalities.

Activity 2. Respiratory Assessment

Students listen to lung sounds and are taught how to perform forced vital capacity, peak cough flow, and inspiratory/expiratory pressure measurements.

Activity 3. Respiratory Interventions

Students practice doing multiple types of interventions to manage breathlessness/dyspnea, sputum retention and ineffective cough, and hypoventilation due to respiratory muscle weakness.

Activity 4. Managing Respiratory Failure: Glossopharyngeal Breathing and Neck Accessory Muscle Breathing, and Noninvasive Ventilation

Students practice the use of glossopharyngeal breathing and neck accessory muscle breathing. Students discuss the use of noninvasive ventilation.

Activity 5. Case Studies

Students answer questions on paper cases and practice interventions.


Prelab Assignment:

Read the following articles prior to coming to the lab:

Bach  JR, Bakshiyev  R, Hon  A. Noninvasive respiratory management for patients with spinal cord injury and neuromuscular disease. Tanaffos. 2012;11(1):7–11.
Warren  VC. Glossopharyngeal and neck accessory muscle breathing in a young adult with C2 complete tetraplegia resulting in ventilator dependency. Phys Ther. 2002;82(6):590–600.

Activity 1. Introduction

Individuals with neurological conditions can have respiratory problems for a variety of reasons including reduced central drive, neuromuscular weakness due to pathology and trauma, or respiratory infections due to immobility or aspiration. As you listen to your instructor, record the diagnoses that are commonly associated with respiratory problems below:

  • 1.

  • 2.

  • 3.

  • 4.

  • 5.

  • 6.

  • 7.

Respiratory muscle weakness due to neurological conditions is associated with insufficient ventilation, nocturnal hypoventilation, bulbar dysfunction, and ineffective cough. As your instructor speaks, record the cause and signs and symptoms of these abnormalities in the table below.

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Respiratory abnormality


Clinical manifestations

Insufficient ventilation

Nocturnal hypoventilation

Bulbar dysfunction

Ineffective cough

Activity 2. Respiratory Assessment

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