What you will learn in this lesson:
to form and use possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her, its, our, their
to form and use the impersonal se
to form and use demonstrative adjectives: this, that, these, those
to form, conjugate, and use regular verbs in the past tense
to form, conjugate, and use irregular verbs in the past tense
vocabulary related to a well-baby visit
to conduct a return pediatric visit for failed treatment
to treat an asthma attack in the ER
The goal of this lesson is to be able to discuss and understand medical situations in the past tense, to conduct a pediatric visit for failed treatment, and to treat an emergency adult asthma attack.
The possessive adjectives mi, tu, and su do not change, regardless of whether the noun is masculine or feminine.
Mi, tu, and su change to mis, tus, and sus to agree with a plural noun.
Llene los espacios con la forma correcta de mi/mis o tu/tus.
If the noun is feminine singular, use nuestra.
If the noun is masculine singular, use nuestro.
If the noun is feminine plural, use nuestras.
If the noun is masculine plural, use nuestros.
Llene los espacios con la forma correcta de nuestro.