493.00 Extrinsic asthma, unspecified
493.01 Extrinsic asthma with status asthmaticus
493.02 Extrinsic asthma with (acute) exacerbation
493.10 Intrinsic asthma, unspecified
493.11 Intrinsic asthma with status asthmaticus
493.12 Intrinsic asthma with (acute) exacerbation
493.20 Chronic obstructive asthma, unspecified
493.21 Chronic obstructive asthma with status asthmaticus
493.22 Chronic obstructive asthma with (acute) exacerbation
493.81 Exercise induced bronchospasm
493.82 Cough variant asthma
493.90 Asthma unspecified type, unspecified
493.91 Asthma unspecified type with status asthmaticus
493.92 Asthma, unspecified type, with (acute) exacerbation
780.7 Malaise and fatigue
786.0 Dyspnea and respiratory abnormalities
786.05 Shortness of breath
J44.9 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, unspecified
J44.0 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute lower respiratory infection
J44.1 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with (acute) exacerbation
J45.20 Mild intermittent asthma, uncomplicated
J45.22 Mild intermittent asthma with status asthmaticus
J45.21 Mild intermittent asthma with (acute) exacerbation
J45.901 Unspecified asthma with (acute) exacerbation
J45.902 Unspecified asthma with status asthmaticus
J45.909 Unspecified asthma, uncomplicated
J45.990 Exercise induced bronchospasm
J45.991 Cough variant asthma
J45.998 Other asthma
6A: Primary Prevention/Risk Reduction for Cardiovascular/Pulmonary Disorders1
6B: Impaired Aerobic Capacity/Endurance Associated with Deconditioning2
6C: Impaired Ventilation, Respiration/Gas Exchange, and Aerobic Capacity/Endurance Associated with Airway Clearance Dysfunction3
6F: Impaired Ventilation and Respiration/Gas Exchange Associated with Respiratory Failure4
A 37-year-old nonsmoking man complains of a 3-month history of a nonproductive cough that is worse at night and with exercise. He does not have fevers or other symptoms to suggest infection. He is normotensive, and his lungs are clear to auscultation bilaterally, except for an occasional expiratory wheeze on forced expiration. A chest radiograph is read as normal.5
Form of bronchial disorder associated with airway obstruction, marked by recurrent attacks of paroxysmal dyspnea, with wheezing due to spasmodic contraction of the bronchi.6–8
Chronic respiratory disease ...