TY - CHAP M1 - Book, Section TI - Appendix C. Muscular Attachments and Nerve Supply A1 - Hamilton, Nancy A1 - Weimar, Wendi A1 - Luttgens, Kathryn PY - 2008 T2 - Kinesiology: Scientific Basis of Human Motion, 11e AB - Table Graphic Jump Location|Download (.pdf)|PrintThe Upper Extremity*MuscleProximal AttachmentsDistal AttachmentsNerve SupplyShoulder JointCoracobrachialisCoracoid process of scapulaInner surface of humerus opposite deltoid attachmentMusculocutaneous nerveDeltoidAnterior: anterior border of outer third of clavicleAxillary (circumflex) nerveMiddle: acromion process and outer end of clavicleLateral aspect of humerus, near midpointPosterior: lower margin of spine of scapulaInfraspinatus and teres minorAxillary border and posterior surface of scapula below scapular spinePosterior aspect of greater tuberosity of humerusSuprascapular and axillary nervesLatissimus dorsiSpinous processes of lower six thoracic and all lumbar vertebrae; posterior surface of sacrum; crest of ilium; lower three ribsAnterior surface of humerus below head by flat tendon just anterior to, and parallel with, tendon of pectoralis majorThoracodorsal (middle subscapular) nerve Pectoralis majorMedial two-thirds of clavicle; anterior surface of sternum; cartilages of first six ribs; slip from aponeurosis of external oblique abdominal muscleLateral surface of humerus just below head by flat tendon 2 to 3 inches wideMedial and lateral anterior thoracic nervesSubscapularisEntire anterior surface of scapulaLesser tuberosity of humerusSubscapular nerveSupraspinatusMedial two-thirds of supraspinatus fossa above scapular spineTop of greater tuberosity of humerusSuprascapular nerveTeres majorPosterior surface of inferior angle of scapulaAnterior surface of humerus below head, just medial to latissimus dorsi tendonLower subscapular nerve Shoulder GirdleCoracobrachialisCoracoid process of scapulaInner surface of humerus opposite deltoid attachmentMusculocutaneous nerveLevator scapulaeTransverse processes of first four cervical vertebraeVertebral border of scapula between medial angle and scapular spineDorsal scapular and branches from third and fourth cervical nervesPectoralis minorAnterior surface of third, fourth, and fifth ribs near cartilagesTip of coracoid processes of scapulaMedial anterior thoracic nerveRhomboids: major and minorSpinous processes of seventh cervical and first five thoracic vertebraeVertebral border of scapula from spine to inferior angleDorsal scapular nerveSerratus anteriorOuter surface of upper nine ribs at side of chestAnterior surface of vertebral border and inferior angle of scapulaLong thoracic nerveTrapeziusOccipital bone; ligamentum nuchae; spinous processes of seventh cervical and all thoracic vertebraePart I: posterior border of lateral third of clavicleSpinal accessory and branches from third and fourth cervical nervesPart II: top of acromium processPart III: upper border of scapular spinePart IV: root of scapular spineElbow and ForearmAnconeusPosterior surface of lateral epicondyle of humerusLateral side of olecranon process and posterior surface of upper part of ulnaBranch from radial nerveBiceps brachiiLong head: upper margin of glenoid fossaBicipital tuberosity of radiusMusculocutaneous nerveShort head: apex of coracoid process of scapulaBrachialis humerusAnterior surface of lower half of humerusAnterior surface of coronoid process of ulnaMusculocutaneous and branch from radial nervesBrachioradialisUpper two-thirds of lateral supracondylar ridge of humerusLateral side of base of styloid process of radiusRadial nervePronator teresMedial epicondyle of humerus and medial side of coronoid process of ulnaLateral surface of radius near middleMedial nerve Pronator quadratusAnterior surface of lower one-fourth of ulnaAnterior surface of lower one-fourth of radiusBranch from median nerveSupinatorLateral condyle of humerus; adjacent portion of ulna; radial collateral and annular ligamentsLateral surface of upper third of radiusBranch from deep radial nerveTriceps brachiiLong head: infraglenoid tuberosityOlecranon process of ulnaRadial nerveLateral head: posterior surface of upper half of humerusMedial head: posterior surface of lower two-thirds of humerusWristExtensor carpi radialis brevisLateral epicondyle of humerusPosterior surface of base of third ... SN - PB - The McGraw-Hill Companies CY - New York, NY Y2 - 2024/09/09 UR - accessphysiotherapy.mhmedical.com/content.aspx?aid=6153757 ER -